Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

Dear Ones !

Wishing you and yours a Prosperous and a Very Happy New Year!

Thank you for all your visits and sweet comments throughout the year.  Here are photos that I took  before putting all the Christmas decoration away.  I hope you can enjoy them as much as I did.

I fixed and added the warm effect to photos using Picasa.  I think it made things look cozy.

This little angel was a new addition to our decoration.

Another addition (a night light) to our decoration for just a dollar, found at a thrift store.

Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne ... saying with a loud voice:

" Worthy is the Lamb who was slain (Our Savior Jesus) to receive 
Power and Riches and Wisdom, and Strength and Honor and Blessing!"

New ornament from this past Christmas 

~*~ Happy New Year 2014 ~*~


I'm joining . . .

Kerryanne for Shabbilicious Friday

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I Won First Prize!

Hello dear ones,

Oakes Daylilies has every year a photo contest.  I'm so happy that I won last year's (2012) contest!  I received the news from them in the month of December.  It was a gift sent from God, and I tell you why.  In the month of December 2012,  I fell and broke four ribs, I was very sad not able to work or do the things I always do.  Thank goodness I had all my Christmas decorations done then, and I was just finishing doing all the mulching for winter.  And talking about mulch, that was the reason of my fall.  I was pushing the big trailer that we use to carry mulch back where it belongs, the trailer got stock with the ground and I was walking very fast, so down I went right on top of it and I hit the ground so hard that I ended with four broken ribs.  So now you know why this prize is a gift sent from God, in my sadness time came this well received gift. I won first prize in the category of flowers with animals.  And the prize was a $200.00 certificated to use it at their nursery.  This past summer we had the privileged to go to their nursery and spend the certificate in beautiful perennial plants and more daylilies.  Can't wait to see all those perennials coming back in the springtime!  So here it is the winning photo.
Sir Rupert the cat admiring Dublin Elaine Daylily

You can see more photos HERE and a link to Oakes Daylilies.

Have a delightful day!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hello dear ones,

May all your dreams become a reality in this Glorious Season . . .

and may God's richest blessings overflow your soul!
Have a Wonderful Holiday!




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